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About Amy

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Meichan (Amy) Yuan is an artist that works with fabricated metal to create wearable art. Amy majors in jewelry design and metalsmithing, with a minor in ceramics at NSCAD University (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design). Before she moved to Canada, Amy completed a fashion design diploma and worked in the clothing industry as a product designer for seven years. Her experience in fashion then drew her to the more intimate nature of jewelry and its forms, and its capacity for storytelling. Amy was born and raised in Xinhui ("Xinhui, Guangdong, China") and immigrated to Canada in 2017. This experience deeply informs her work and practice. 


Amy believes jewelry is wearable art and sculpture that can tell people’s stories and showcase the wearer’s identity. She loves to work on sentimental jewelry which tells stories from her past. Amy is fascinated by how a material can be manipulated and uses chasing repoussé, enamel, and fabrication to make wearable art. In addition, as an immigrant, her constant battle with a sense of belonging drives her to discover new ways to honour and express her culture in her work. Amy often works with subject matter inspired by her religion, and objects and plants from her hometown. She establishes connections between memories of life before Canada and relates them to present-day experiences here.   

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