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Experiment of studio project

painting enamel testing

plant casting test

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Rebecca Hannon
Rebecca Hannon

Agree with Cynthia- Photo number two is pretty wild, and somehow conveys the complexity of our processes. Your samples where you blend roller print flowers, flux and painted color are starting to also build in complexity and interest. Did you find the answers to some of you questions about the underglaze paint this week?



wow love the enamel samples! they look interesting on those magazine covers too. It could be interesting to incorporate some of your own imagery/sketches/writing to use as the scrap paper you prep your pieces on. Might be cathartic for you, could make some cool documentation shots, or they could even become a part of the final packaging/display. Excited to see the organics casted too!


Noore Saleh
Noore Saleh

Really excited to see how those plant casting will turn out! Glad that you are experimenting with various enameling technique :)

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