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New proposal

First of all, I need to update my bench work. I have been working at my studio for a month on this locket idea, and it came out nice, my original idea is two-way ware jewelry, and the locker can also be a brooch also necklace. I haven't found a perfect solution to hook on two pieces, but my gut telling me, there is something else making me unsatisfied. I have spent all my attention on painting enamel, so I forgot the most important part. I couldn't tell what is the uncertainty but I know I looking at too many other artist work, traditional jewelry or contemporary jewelry, that could make my thought very limited. So I stop thinking about jewelry, I watch " village of wind" and my brain is restarted. I go back to thinking who am I ? what is my culture? what is the thing that I very miss?

If plants are the DNA of my work, the Chinese medicine plant can show my identity. So I start to think of the Cantonese soup culture, which is the most well-known thing in Cantonese food culture, we call Baotang ”煲汤“ culture. Baotang must be the symbol of Mom‘s love. Every Cantonese who is being outside for a long time will miss mother's soup like me. My new design is still sentimental jewelry, but come up with Mom's love, mom's words appeared in typings on enamel and the medicine plant that usually uses in Cantonese soup will use directly in the piece.

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1 commentaire

Rebecca Hannon
Rebecca Hannon
08 mars 2023

Thnaks for sharing some of your thoughts, and I like this new imagery, and thoughts about integrating the foods from Mom's soup! Are you thinking of using these vegetables in additional/future pieces, or changing up your design of the locket brooch and using them there?

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