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Nutshell utensil sets

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

This week’s challenge from class is using renewable materials to create utensils. the most difficult part which is to find out except for wood what else are renewable also food safe materials. Thanks to my culture, the days of the year close to the Chinese New Year, remind me of my family's favorite snake the nuts in the shell, the nutshells are one of the best options for containers, they are firm enough and waterproof.

Material for this project are hazelnut shell, walnut shell , pecan shell, branches, and cotton thread. I keep the shape of the branches and the texture of the inside nutshell because they show the character of the natural materials.

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Rebecca Hannon
Rebecca Hannon
Jan 25, 2023

Your nut spoons were lovley- you have a really nice senstivity to materials, and how they can be used to their potential. I love that you were also able to weave a family tradition, to the time of year, to what was locally available in Halifax. Great combo!

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