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Reflection of Kellie Riggs White Cube

I totally agree with the point of the article that contemporary jewelry is a subculture type of art, it reminds me of the knowledge of my business class, which is the niche market, the jewelry the shows on the tactical is totally for a niche market, but one pinot I am not 100percant agree, it depends on the design of the piece if it always could be a wearable object, that might be limited the creation. Another reason that jewelry is not always should beware because it is a sculpture art too, it sometime could be an object that displays in a space. Also, holloware and metal smith things are hard to separate. The article says jewelry needs to beware, in another world is to be displayed, so display in space is acceptable.

Ada Chen's work: speak English, we are in America, is very impressed me, as an immigrant, I pay attention to racist news a lot, and I am so glad, that someone reacts to that by jewelry. At the same time, Ada mentioned she is looking for a sense of pride in her culture, I think we all do it, for example, I am not comfortable playing my song list in public, and I always doubt if people feel my Chinese song is dull. But most of the time, humans need to show their personality, to let people know them first, and this is a very brave thing to do.

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Rebecca Hannon
Rebecca Hannon
Feb 03, 2023

Great points you made in your response Amy, there is a space for large scale ( perhaps a bit less comfortable) jewllery, and certainly holloware and sculptural objects. I think you should write a rebuttal article to her article😉

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